Ali F. Mostafa


Ali F. Mostafa

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Ali F. Mostafa är en regissör. Han föddes i London den 25 september 1981. Han är känd för bland annat City of Life (2009) och من ألف إلى باء (2014).

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Ali F. Mostafa

Född 1981-09-25 (42 år sedan) i London.

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Ali F. Mostafa

Biografi från Wikipedia Extern länk till biografins källa

Ali F. Mostafa is a British-Emirati filmmaker, director and producer who is credited as the director of the first Emirati feature-film City of Life. Born in 1981, Mostafa received wide acclaim for his debut in filmmaking; he has been branded as "Best Emirati Filmmaker" in the Dubai International Film Festival and won the 'Young Filmmaker of the Year' award at the Digital Studio Awards 2010.

According to Mostafa, the inspiration for producing City of Life came because "I was tired of people comparing Dubai to a Disneyland. Most of them take one look at the glitzy buildings and assume it's an artificial place. My film has none of that. It has real people with real problems. Like any other city in the world, my film shows both the positives and the negatives." Mostafa faced initial controversy when a couple cinemas refused to showcase his movie who they claimed portrayed Dubai in a negative light. He however squashed the rumours, saying that with his film, he hoped to change the global perception of his hometown and put it on par with cities such as London and New York which also face "real problems."

Innehåll från Wikipedia tillhandahålls enligt villkoren i Creative Commons (CC BY-SA 3.0).
