R. Marcus Taylor


R. Marcus Taylor

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R. Marcus Taylor är en skådespelare. Han är känd för bland annat Straight Outta Compton (2015) och Life of Crime (2014).

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R. Marcus Taylor

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R. Marcus Taylor

Biografi från Wikipedia

At five years old, all Marcus wanted to become was Superman. When he realized that couldn't happen, he decided taking Karate lessons was the next best thing. Marcus went on to earn a black belt in Karate, but along the way he began developing a love for various martial art forms. In addition to Karate, Marcus began intensive training in: Taekwondo, Muay Thai, Capoeira, and Hapkido, and has more than twenty years of training in these forms. Marcus holds the rank of Kru in Muay Thai. Marcus also trains in several other martial art forms including: Kung Fu, Boxing, Judo, Ninjitsu, Gracie Jui Jitsu, etc. He has fought in tournaments and won titles including: the NJ StateTaekwondo Champion 1994, YB Choi Taekwondo Invitational Champion 1995, and the Muay Thai Warriors Cup Super-Heavy Weight Champion 2010. He has also worked as a certified personal trainer, gym owner, professional fighter, bodyguard, and has taught martial arts and self-defense locally and internationally for the last twenty-four years. Marcus also works as an actor and stuntman, where his strongest areas are fight scenes, stunt doubling, choreography, and stunt falls. Although being Superman was unrealistic, he's found that being a student of martial arts was far more rewarding. Marcus has over 30 years of experience in martial arts and is hoping for many more years of learning and teaching the art form he came - IMDb Mini Biography By: Nicole Taylor

Innehåll från Wikipedia tillhandahålls enligt villkoren i Creative Commons (CC BY-SA 3.0).
