Matt Barrelle


Matt Barrelle

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Matt Barrelle är en producent. Född i Sydney. Han är känd för bland annat Goal!: The Dream Begins (2005) och Goal! II: Living the Dream (2007).

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Matt Barrelle

Född 1971 i Sydney.

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Matt Barrelle

Biografi från Wikipedia Extern länk till biografins källa

Matt Barrelle gained the following qualifications in Australia: Land Economics, MBA Melbourne/Hull University, Australian Securities Grad. Dip. and Justice of the Peace accreditation from the Australian Government.

In 1996 Barrelle built and then prepared for sale Australian teleco Magna Data. Prior to the acquisition by the Japanese Telco NTT, Davnet had over 1000 employees and a market cap of US$2Billion. Barrelle then built the TSE Group, a rollup of sports services companies, where he was noted as Australia's youngest CEO of a Public Company.

Barrelle produced the football Film Trilogy Goal!. Goal! the Dream Begins, Goal! 2: Living the Dream, and Goal! 3: Taking on the World were released by distributors Buena Vista and Disney. Goal! was filmed with The English Premier League, The UEFA Champions League, and The 2006 FIFA World Cup with actors [Kuno Becker], Alessandro Nivola and Anna Friel and actual football players like David Beckham, Zinedine Zidane, Alan Shearer and Raúl. Barrelle was also Executive Producer on the Official Film of the 2006 FIFA World Cup, directed by Michael Apted and narrated by Pierce Brosnan.

Innehåll från Wikipedia tillhandahålls enligt villkoren i Creative Commons (CC BY-SA 3.0).
