Félix Murcia


Félix Murcia

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Félix Murcia är en filmarbetare. Född i Aranda de Duero. Han är känd för bland annat Flesh + Blood (1985), Kvinnor på gränsen till nervsammanbrott (1988), La escopeta nacional (1978) och Navajeros (1980).

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Félix Murcia

Född 1945 i Aranda de Duero.

Utmärkelse Gala År Prisad för
Goya Award for Best Production Design (Secrets of the Heart) 12th Goya Awards 1998 Secretos del corazón
Goya Award for Best Production Design (The Dog in the Manger) 11th Goya Awards 1997 El Perro Del Hortelano
Goya Award for Best Production Design (Banderas, the Tyrant) 8th Goya Awards 1994 Banderas, the Tyrant
Goya Award for Best Production Design (The Dumbfounded King) 6th Goya Awards 1992 El rey pasmado
Goya Award for Best Production Design (Dragon Rapide) 1st Goya Awards 1987 Dragon Rapide
Nominerad för utmärkelser
Utmärkelse Gala År Nominerad för
Goya Award for Best Production Design (Something To Remember Me By) 20th Goya Awards 2006 Something To Remember Me By
Goya Award for Best Production Design (The End of a Mystery) 18th Goya Awards 2004 La luz prodigiosa
Goya Award for Best Production Design (Don Quixote, Knight Errant) 17th Goya Awards 2003 El caballero Don Quijote
Goya Award for Best Production Design (Mararía) 13th Goya Awards 1999 Mararía
Goya Award for Best Production Design (Secrets of the Heart) 12th Goya Awards 1998 Secretos del corazón
Goya Award for Best Production Design (The Dog in the Manger) 11th Goya Awards 1997 El Perro Del Hortelano
Goya Award for Best Production Design (Running Out of Time) 9th Goya Awards 1995 Am zin
Goya Award for Best Production Design (Banderas, the Tyrant) 8th Goya Awards 1994 Banderas, the Tyrant
Goya Award for Best Production Design (The Dumbfounded King) 6th Goya Awards 1992 El rey pasmado
Goya Award for Best Production Design (Women on the Edge of a Nervous Breakdown) 3rd Goya Awards 1989 Women on the Edge of a Nervous Breakdown

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Félix Murcia

Biografi från Wikipedia

Félix Murcia is a film art director, set decorator, production and costume designer, and a painter.

Innehåll från Wikipedia tillhandahålls enligt villkoren i Creative Commons (CC BY-SA 3.0).
