David Buttolph


David Buttolph

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David Buttolph var en filmarbetare. Han föddes i New York City den 3 augusti 1902. David Buttolph dog 1 januari 1983, han blev 80 år. Han är känd för bland annat Repet (1948), House of Wax (1953), The Horse Soldiers (1961), My Darling Clementine (1946) och The Enforcer (1951).

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David Buttolph

Född 1902-08-03 (122 år sedan) i New York City. Död 1983-01-01 (80 år).

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David Buttolph

Biografi från Wikipedia Extern länk till biografins källa

David Buttolph was a film composer who scored over 300 movies in his career. Born in New York City, Buttolph showed musical talent at an early age, and eventually studied music formally. After earning a music degree, Buttolph moved to Europe in 1923 and studied in Austria and Germany supporting himself as a nightclub pianist. He returned to the U.S. in 1927 and, a few years later, began working for NBC radio network as an arranger and conductor. In 1933, Buttolph moved to Los Angeles and began working in films. Buttolph's best work, according to many, was his work as an arranger on the Alfred Newman score for The Mark of Zorro.

In the mid-1950s, Buttolph started to compose scores for television, the most memorable being the theme for the TV western Maverick, with the same music appearing in his score of The Lone Ranger. He continued to compose music for television, many of which were westerns, until his retirement in 1963.

Innehåll från Wikipedia tillhandahålls enligt villkoren i Creative Commons (CC BY-SA 3.0).
