Anthony Timpone


Anthony Timpone

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Anthony Timpone

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Anthony Timpone

Biografi från Wikipedia Extern länk till biografins källa

Tony Timpone was the longtime editor of both Fangoria Magazine and its website, He began working with the publication in 1985 and continued there until February 2010, when he was succeeded by Chris Alexander, a Toronto-based former writer for Rue Morgue.

In the early 1990s, Timpone helped guide the first three Fangoria movies for Columbia TriStar Home Video: Mindwarp, Children of the Night, and Severed Ties. In the early to mid-2000s, he served as an acquisitions chief for Fangoria's various video labels. In addition, he was a producer/interviewer for Fangoria TV's Screamography, a consulting producer/recurring guest on the now-defunct Fangoria Radio show with Dee Snider and Debbie Rochon, and the co-producer and long-time Master of Ceremonies of Fangoria's popular Weekend of Horrors conventions.

Afterward, Timpone began running Fangoria's Video-on-Demand network.

Innehåll från Wikipedia tillhandahålls enligt villkoren i Creative Commons (CC BY-SA 3.0).
