Captain America & The Agents Of Shield: The HYDRA War (2015)

Captain America & The Agents Of Shield: The HYDRA War (2015)

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Through some online research and educated guessing, I feel confident I've come up with a reasonably accurate time line of the events of a few days time within the MCU, as we go back and forth between what happens in Captain America: The Winter Soldier, and the final 7 episodes of Agents Of Shield Season 1. The entirety of the feature film is presented here, but it's the TV episodes that were gutted to get to the most essential parts of the Hydra narrative, and it brought me out to a special "movie" with a running time of 4:16:22, including its very own credits sequence. - CaptCoulson


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Captain America & The Agents Of Shield: The HYDRA War


Captain America & The Agents Of Shield: The HYDRA War

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